What, you are too sick to paint?

Yep, it is that time of the year – we all get this dreadful cold or flu sometimes. How inconvenient! I know, the first few days are too foggy to do anything but then finally the head clears and you get a bit better, yet not well enough to paint.

Well I thought, if I couldn’t paint I could certainly plan my new work, sharpen my ideas and possibly get even better ones. For new ideas I always reach out to my sketchbooks, but I also keep a folder on my PC with lots of drawings, photomontages and other interesting visuals that I have created and collected over the years. This was a perfect time to revisit them. If you haven’t got such a folder I urge you start one now!

I also love browsing through my holiday photos and delving into websites such as Pinterest and Instagram – there is so much inspiring creativity in this world! Just thinking about art makes me feel better and seeing the amazing work that you guys create in my studio is always uplifting.

Shannan is capturing her holiday memories.

Mary’s husband should be happy with this effort.

Suzana has just finished another fantastic portrait.

Well done, Daniela!

Girl with a pearl earring with a twist from Hazel.

Not far to go with this lovely family portrait for Cathy.

Another great palette knife from Leigh.

First and successful attempt in palette knife from Tracey.